System Leaders
The Role of Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)
SLEs use their knowledge in a specialist area to work outside their own school/setting, using high-level coaching and facilitation skills. They support the professional development of leaders through:
- One to one support
- Faciliated group support
- Use and analysis of data
- Diagnosis of strengths and areas for development.
All SLEs are actively engaged in research, support the development of specialist learning communities in Bristol and play a role in succession planning. They may also contribute to ITE through School Direct and other routes.
Our SLEs will look to provide evidence that their work has a positive impact on outcomes for children by developing leadership capacity in other schools.
The Role of Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)
Bristol Early Years Teaching School Alliance (BEYTSA) is contracted by Bristol County Council to provide SLE support in the following areas:
- Family Support
- Early Maths
- Birth to Three
- Assessment and Transition
- Communication, Language and Literacy
- Inclusion
- Outdoors
Working within a research-engaged culture, our SLEs are constantly asking questions and making positive improvements for our children through settings-based or academic research. Use the links above to find out about current projects and post-graduate research activity.
We can often provide free support for settings. This will depend on need and overall SLE capacity. We can also offer paid-for support in the areas listed above if funding is available. Please contact us to talk about the level of support that might be appropriate for your setting.
The Role of Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)
Recruitment dates are fixed by NCTL and the latest round to recruit Cohort 5 has just closed. When NCTL announce the next recruitment round we will post the relevant information. Meanwhile we can provide information that may be useful to prospective SLEs.
Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer
Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant
Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant
Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant
Anna Morgan, Early Years Consultant
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