The network continuing professional development (CPD) programme is co-ordinated by Jo Franklin the Network Lead Teacher but all Lead Teachers contribute to leading the network.
The meetings and CPD programme will continue to provide practitioners with opportunities to share information and to access professional development.
The meetings and CPD opportunities are open to anyone to attend. The network will hold events across the academic year at a variety of times of the day and at a range of locations. The sessions on offer are planned in response to providers needs or they meet local or national priorities. They are a fantastic chance to meet other early years colleagues and share good practice.
You can contact the Network Lead Teacher or your Lead Teacher for more information.
The Lead Teacher Team have put together a variety of inspiring network CPD for this year that will encourage you to become part of a supportive and researchful learning community in your local area. The sessions are open to all Early Years practitioners in the Bristol Network. Use the links on this page for more information.
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