
Positive transitions are vital for all children’s emotional wellbeing and achievement and planning for these transitions, with the child and their family at the centre, is fundamental to effective early years practice.

For early years professionals, the main transitions that we will need to consider are:

  • Receiving and settling children into our settings and schools
  • Supporting children moving between rooms or classes in our settings and schools
  • Supporting transitions from Early Years Settings into primary school reception classes.
  • Supporting the move from reception into year one.
  • Enhanced transition processes for children with SEND
  • Transitions and changes that occur through the routines of the day, week and term

Positive transitions in the Early Years; principles, processes, and responsibilities

This guidance has been written for all Bristol Early Years Settings, Childminders, Schools and linked professionals to support consistent and effective transition planning for all children, particularly those with additional needs. Primarily this document is to support  transition into school, however many of the ideas will be useful to support any of the transitions that young children experience as outlined above.

EYFS Transitions

Transition to Year 1
Further Transition Guidance and Reading



Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer

Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant

Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant

Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant

Anna Morgan, Early Years Consultant

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