Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Play and Learning

Outdoor Play is an important part of early years’ work with children. There are many benefits for children in spending time outdoors, including physical development and a sense of emotional and cognitive well-being. Outdoors is where children will experience a sense of freedom, engage with the changing seasons and nature, and develop friendships. For some children, outdoors is where they prefer to be and find it easier to communicate. There is a growing body of research to suggest that children are spending less time outdoors compared to previous generations which makes it even more important for us to provide quality environments and experiences for them in our own outdoor environments and the wider community. This section of the website will look at current articles and debates on outdoor play and include inspiring case studies.


Case Studies



Useful Resources


Farm to Fork

Walk to School

Outdoors Thinking


Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant

Kate Irvine, Early Years Consultant

Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant

Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant

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