Differentiated Early Years Outcomes (DEYO)

What are the Differentiated Early Years Outcomes (DEYO)?

This document was originally published in response to practitioners’ desire to show progress and reflect the achievements of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). DEYO was developed by representatives from Bristol Early Years Specialist Settings and the local authority Early Years Team with input from a number of other teams, schools and settings.

This revised version of DEYO has been developed under licence to align with Birth to 5 Matters, one of the non-statutory documents available to support practitioners to implement the Statutory Framework for the EYFS 2021.

Each range within every area of learning has been carefully analysed. Where appropriate, additional statements have been inserted to ensure progress of all children can be recognised. The statements in black are taken directly from the Birth to 5 Matters document and the statements that are in red indicate the additional differentiated steps that may be made by children with SEND.

When working with children who may not be meeting developmental milestones it is essential that teams make time to reflect on the inclusivity of their environment, their curriculum, their interactions, and the resources available as well as drawing upon more precise assessment tools such as DEYO

How can DEYO be used?

This document can be used to:

  • Support practitioners to identify the smaller learning and development steps for children with SEND in Early Years settings.
  • Support practitioners with curriculum planning and setting outcomes and targets for children with SEND.
  • Provide a document that is accessible for parents/carers, practitioners and other professionals to share when talking about a child’s learning and development; celebrating and discussing small steps in progress.
  • Acknowledge and suggest any specialised methods of support e.g. Makaton, visual aids.
  • Provide a more precise assessment tool in line with the EYFS reforms, that can be used to support assessment of children who are not yet meeting developmental milestones.
  • Support transition planning and information sharing.
  • Guide practitioners when using their professional knowledge of the child to make best fit range judgements about a child’s attainment and progress (Bristol Assessment Guidance | Bristol Early Years). It is important to note that on some occasions, practitioners may need make a judgement that is easily comparable to the rest of the cohort; in this instance only the black B25Ms statements (or another tool used by their setting) should be referred to.

NB: A best fit judgement should not require practitioners to tick off each statement. Practitioners should consider a range as a whole and decide which range best describes a child’s learning and development.

View and read the document…

DEYO is free to download for all Bristol schools, Early Years Settings and Childminders using a password. Click here to visit the password protected download page. If you’re unsure of  the password, please contact your Lead Teacher or a member of the Early Years Inclusion Team.

View sample pages…

Click here to view some sample pages.

If you are a setting or a Local Authority outside of Bristol you can purchase access to the document here .

If you would like any more information about this publication, please contact Kate Hubble.


Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer

Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant

Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant

Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant

Anna Morgan, Early Years Consultant

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