What early years settings have to do when working through the four stages of the graduated approach to give a child the special educational provision they need.
Practitioners working with young children should be alert to emerging needs and respond early. All early years providers must have arrangements in place to support children with SEND.
You can use the following to help you identify special educational needs:
Using these assessments and observations, you need to:
It’s essential there is no delay in making special educational provision. Early action is critical to a child’s future progress.
Where you identify that a child has additional or special educational needs, you must work in partnership with the child’s parents to establish the right level of support.
The early years practitioner works together with a child’s parents and the setting’s SENCo to assess a child’s needs. They should regularly assess the child to make sure the right support can be put into place.
Where the child makes little or no progress, specialist assessment from outside professionals may be needed.
Where outside professionals are not already working with the setting, the SENCo discusses this with the child’s parents to get their agreement.
The child’s parents, key person and SENCO agree:
Interventions should:
All information should be captured in a Bristol SEND Support Plan, which includes a section on agreed outcomes and an individual provision plan.
The practitioner, usually the child’s key person, is responsible for supporting the child each day and putting in place the agreed interventions.
The setting’s SENCO should:
The setting works with the child’s parents to:
If outside professionals are involved they should also be invited to attend regular reviews.
You should use the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ graduated approach to meeting children’s needs as a continuous cycle. If a child isn’t making expected progress despite interventions matched to their needs, consider involving specialists, if they’re not already involved.
You should make this decision in partnership with the child’s parents.
You should consider if your setting will need additional support so that you can meet the child’s needs and how this might be provided. You might need to apply for Early Years Special Educational Needs Panel funding.
If the child continues to make limited progress over a sustained period time, a setting should consider making an application for an EHC needs assessment.
You should discuss this with the child’s parents and all professionals involved in the child’s support.
Dawn Butler, Early Years Manager: Inclusion
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