Teachers and School Leaders should refer to the Department for Education’s EYFS Profile Handbook when making and submitting assessments in order to make accurate and reliable judgements about each child’s level of attainment. The EYFSP handbook should be read carefully. Teachers are not required to collect or document evidence for the EYFSP.
when making and submitting assessments in order to make accurate and reliable judgements about each child’s level of attainment. The EYFSP handbook should be read carefully. Teachers are not required to collect or document evidence for the EYFSP.
The EYFS Profile assessments must be submitted to the Local Authority by 12 noon on 21st June 2024.
Data should be input into MIS or the LA’s secure reporting system carefully by schools and checked against each child in the reception cohort by practitioners and Headteachers before submitting to the LA. It is the head teacher’s or manager’s responsibility to ensure the reliability of Profile data.
The Handbook details the statutory requirements that apply to schools, as set out in the statutory framework for the EYFS, and the statutory requirements that apply to local authorities in relation to assessment and reporting.
The DfE has published useful supporting guidance on the Foundation Years website including information on exemptions, assessing children with SEND and a useful Vodcast
PowerPoint Presentation (foundationyears.org.uk)
Although moderation of EYFS Profile assessments is no longer a statutory function of local authorities, moderation of assessments is still an important part of the assessment process. Good practice in moderation should be a collaborative process with colleagues across different schools to support the quality assurance of teacher assessment judgements and provide a valuable opportunity for professional development. To support schools with moderating EYFS profile judgements a series of moderation opportunities are provided for reception and year one teachers in term five and six prior to submission. Details and booking links can be found on the Bristol Early Years Calendar and on the flyer that can be downloaded above.
To Support settings with assessment of the EYFSP, The Department for Education has produced a suite of seven videos to support practitioners and leaders with the professional knowledge conversations needed to make judgements against the ELGs.
To Support settings with assessment of the EYFSP, The Department for Education has produced a suite of seven videos to support practitioners and leaders with the professional knowledge conversations needed to make judgements against the ELGs.
Please contact Kate Irvine, Foundation Years Consultant (interim) for Assessment & Transition
Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer
Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant
Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant
Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant
Anna Morgan, Early Years Consultant
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