Bristol Assessment Guidance
We believe that every child can become a capable and mastery learner through trusting relationships and a rich and meaningful curriculum that builds upon their previous knowledge and understanding.
The Bristol Early Years Assessment Guidance has been produced to support settings and school with developing ethical and evidence-informed assessment policies and procedures. This guidance is relevant to all early years providers, childminders and early years provision in schools.
The Purpose of this Guidance is to:
- Provide clarity about the Statutory EYFS 2021 and its expectations in terms of assessment.
- Establish a set of principles which will inform assessment policy and practice.
- Establish a common understanding on assessment in the Early Years in Bristol.
- Provide examples of good practice.
- Sign-post practitioners and leaders to formative and summative assessment tools.
- Enable settings to review their assessment processes and make changes.
There are an agreed set of values in Bristol that underpin ethical assessment practice
The 2021 EYFS reminds us:
“Assessment should not entail prolonged breaks from interaction with children, nor require excessive paperwork. When assessing whether an individual child is at the expected level of development, practitioners should draw on their knowledge of the child and their own expert professional judgement and should not be required to prove this through collection of physical evidence.” Statutory EYFS 2021. Para 2.1.
The Bristol Assessment Guidance document and supporting materials can be downloaded here:
Bristol Early Years Assessment Guidance November 2022
Summative Pathway November 2022
Summative Overview EYFS
Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer
Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant
Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant
Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant
Anna Morgan, Early Years Consultant
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