Weekly Record of Attendance - for the attention of providers yet to make a return
Email dated 01.05.20
Dear Early Years Provider,
I am writing to all those providers who have told us that they are currently open and providing childcare for vulnerable children and those of key workers.
As a Local Authority we need to be confident that our most vulnerable children and their families have the appropriate support they need at this extremely different and challenging time.
The Weekly Record of Attendance we are asking you to complete to inform us of those children attending your setting during this time is vital for us to collate the information on vulnerable children. Schools and Academies are required to complete this in addition to the daily return of the record of attendance (but only include your nursery children).
Please can you ensure that you submit your Weekly Record of Attendance every Friday. If you have not yet made a submission since the closure began, please prioritise the one due today.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me
Dawn Butler
Early Years Manager: Inclusion
Early Years and Childcare Service,
Room 20 Bristol Education Centre,
Sheridan Road,
Bristol BS7 0PU
Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)