Upcoming training


After the success of the first 2 lots of Peep training, we have secured an additional session on the 26/27th June, 9.30am – 4.30pm at Engineers House.

Lunch and refreshments will be included.

We are mindful that it is not always possible to release staff to attend training and will therefore provide £500 to your setting to enable you to release a practitioner for the 2 consecutive days.  After completion of the training, your setting will also receive £500 towards the costs of purchasing Peep resources.

Peep groups can be delivered flexibly and can be incorporated into your day care session, delivered indoors, outdoors, online, through drop in/stay and play sessions or on a 1:1 basis – see flyer attached.

Please book your FREE Peep Learning Together training course here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/866119967137?aff=oddtdtcreator


Early Talk Boost

The Early Years Speech and Language Therapists are running 2 x Early Talk Boost training sessions at Engineers House on Tuesday 21st May and Tuesday 25th June, 9.30 – 4pm.

Early Talk Boost is a great intervention for all children, especially those who have been identified as having a delay trough the Wellcomm screening tool.

Practitioners who attend the training will receive One whole day training with the Speech and Language Therapy team, a FREE intervention materials pack. This includes: participant book, intervention manual, parent workshop materials, tracker tool, toys, puppets, musical instruments and story books to the value of £550, FREE lunch and refreshments and £250 per practitioner to cover backfill costs.

Please book your FREE Early Talk Boost training session here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/866672660257?aff=oddtdtcreator



This is fun, FREE app for parent/carers that include a variety of daily ideas and activities that they can carry out with their children at home.

We have bought a licence for all families living in Bristol to have full access to the app, plus some basic training on how to navigate and support parent/carers in using the app, should settings want it. To sign up, all you need to do is scan the QR code on the poster attached and have a Bristol Postcode.



Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer

The Bristol Standard Team

Beth Osborne, Foundation Years Consultant Birth to Three

Kate Irvine, Interim Foundation Years Consultant

Ali Carrington, Interim Foundation Years Consultant

Cate Peel, Interim Foundation Years Consultant

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