Transition to primary school 2023

Dear Colleagues 

We hope you all had a relaxing Easter bank holiday. With offers of primary school being sent to parents and carers this week by Bristol City Council, our attention this term and next turns to supporting our pre-school aged children with this important time of change.

Re Arrangements for transition to primary school 2023

For EY providers, nursery schools and nursery classes in schools

The 2023 guidance and documents to support transition are available to download on the ‘EYFS Transitions’ page of the Bristol Early Years website and the key documents are also attached for your reference. Documents available on the website include the Universal Transfer Record (UTR), completed examples for reference, guidance on how to complete the UTR, instructions for password protecting UTRs, a letter for Parent/Carers and a GDPR Privacy Notice, together with the additional documents for transition of children with SEND and other vulnerable children. 

Settings and schools are encouraged to read and share the Positive Transitions in the Early Years guidance This guidance document includes a useful audit tool to support the development of processes, provision and actions for transition for all children, and children who may need an enhanced transition process. 

Bristol Early Years requests that a Universal Transfer Record is completed for all children transferring to a reception class in September 2023 and that these are delivered securely by hand, or by password protected email, to the receiving schools by 16th June 2023. 

This deadline is to allow schools enough time for effective planning to receive children and to arrange any additional meetings and/or make adaptions to provision that may be required. We understand that some Bristol Early Years Network locality transition meetings may be after the 16th June deadline and where this is the case UTRs may of course be handed over in these meetings. 

We also encourage settings to engage in conversation with schools about enhanced transition arrangements for vulnerable children and children with SEND as early as possible before June 16th wherever possible. 

Please note that in order to be GDPR compliant please ensure that you are using the 2023 documents and that UTRs are sent by secure method i.e. password protected or by hand. (Instructions are attached and, on the website

For reception teachers, SENCOs and EYFS Leaders in schools 

All EYFS teachers, school SENCos and leaders in schools are encouraged to read and share the Positive Transitions in the Early Years guidance This guidance document includes a useful audit tool to support the development of processes, provision and actions for transition for all children, and children who may need an enhanced transition process. It offers clarity on the roles and responsibilities surrounding positive transitions and aims to build on existing good practice across the city. 

Teachers are encouraged to read the Universal Transition Records carefully when they are received from EY settings. They should be stored securely. These records include information on development and learning and any emerging needs, as well as the involvement of any other agencies with the child and family, that is vital to effective planning for supportive transition. Please contact your lead teacher if you need any support with transition paperwork.

For all EYFS Practitioners and leaders

Thank you for everything you do to support children with transition. Please do contact your lead teacher for support with transition to school and ask about any transition events happening locally which will enable forms to be handed over personally and also provide a valuable opportunity for more detailed discussions with the teachers.  

Bristol Early Years Team 




Deborah Brown – (General Enquiries)

Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)

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