Meet the Mentor - Pat

Pat has been a long standing and much treasured member of the Bristol Standard family. From a teaching background, Pat has been involved in Early Years for over thirty years and has used the knowledge and experience gained to inform her practice in the role as mentor and validator for the Bristol Standard ‘I’ve been engaged in early years and self-evaluation more or less from the beginning’.

Pat’s role of mentor and validator for the Bristol Standard was complimented by her role as Early Years Support Teacher. Fifteen years on, Pat is still committed to supporting early years settings and many have benefitted from Pat’s in depth knowledge of early years and the Bristol Standard ‘I adapt my support depending on the need of the setting, tailoring the support as need be’.

Pat is passionate about the Bristol Standard and the benefits that it provides for settings ‘it definitely brings your setting together, it’s something that makes you work together for a common cause, evaluating the setting together. Everybody in the setting has a voice with the Bristol Standard. It makes you evaluate things step by step instead of saying “oh my gosh we’ve got this massive thing to do”, you can take it in small steps’. Pat explains ‘Settings that do the Bristol Standard keep evaluating and changing, which is a good thing. It really is about improving on your previous best, Even if you are an outstanding setting there is always something else you are aiming and striving to do and if you are a new setting at the beginning of the journey you too will have many aspirations.’

Pat co-facilitates the network meetings for early years group settings on their Bristol Standard journeys. Pat describes the atmosphere in the meetings as ‘uplifting’. Feedback from settings affirm that these sessions are full of positivity ‘The enthusiasm of the people that come, they are just so supportive of each other. They get so much out of it. I think they work well, valuing what people have to offer and sharing ideas’. Pat sums up her thoughts regarding these sessions by saying ‘There are some really healthy and rich discussions that go on at the sessions and I just love the enthusiasm.’

Pat is passionate about the Bristol Standard and the verification that it brings to settings enabling them to celebrate their strengths ‘Just look at your strengths, it’s always about thinking about the positives, which is what I like I about the Bristol Standard. People are able to celebrate their strengths, to celebrate what they’re really good at before they move on to think about what they plan to do next. It’s a positive model’.

It is clear that Pat’s involvement in the Bristol Standard has been rewarding and fulfilling, which affirms her dedication to ensuring positive outcomes for children ‘One of the best things about the Bristol Standard is that children are at the heart of everything you do. The Bristol Standard clearly demonstrates how children will benefit as a result of your reflective practice’.


The Bristol Standard Team

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