Bristol Standard Network Meeting 12th January 2022
Focus: the new Outdoor Reflective Framework
The network meeting on 12th January was a special one for two reasons. Firstly we held the event at Engineer’s House and had lovely cake for tea and secondly because it was the first big meeting we had held for many months. We were able to offer a face to face experience and also ZOOM for those who preferred to join online.
Carol and Pat welcomed everyone and provided some individual mentor support while everyone was getting settled then Nicky and Liz introduced the new Outdoor Reflective framework. This will eventually replace the old Outdoor Audit, both are currently available on the website in the publications section.
The new framework is similar in structure to the main Bristol Standard document in that it has a chapter to read, a summary box and some reflective questions. An exciting addition is that we have included case studies in each section. As always, the lovely photos bring everything to life.
We then went into groups to each take a section from the new framework and discuss a few of the questions in the booklet. Discussions were lively and it was so interesting to hear about everyone’s outdoor experiences and to share ideas. It was great to be able to spread out in the room with big paper and pens. The people on ZOOM went into breakout rooms. We have taken photos of the notes from the groups at Engineer’s House and these are included in this section.
Notes from the meeting……
The Bristol Standard Team
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