Support for Schools/Settings

When you contact Bristol Early Years Teaching School Alliance (BEYTSA) with your request for support they will establish the exact nature of the support required and will discuss and identify desired outcomes at this stage.

 Support is tailored to your school or setting’s needs.  We will identify a practitioner (practitioner, teacher, leader or headteacher) with specific expertise to work with your school to put strategies and systems in place through a programme of coaching and mentoring.

 Your school/setting will pay BEYTSA for the support that is agreed once the Final Evaluation has been completed, except in the case of a long contract, when interim payments may be required.

BEYTSA has been commissioned by the Bristol Early Years Improvement Team to provide support on a needs basis in the areas outlined below.  Please make your request and it will be assessed as to whether it will be based on need or capacity.

Areas of Support

Family Support

Under Threes

Early Mathematics

Transition & Assessment

Communication, Language and Literacy

SEND & Inclusion



For support (including that provided by SLEs) please download and complete the short  ‘Request for Support’ Form or contact St Paul’s Nursery School and Children’s Centre.