September - Identity, Belonging & Families

September Book List

Knowing a Poem

Down is the Earth, and up is the sky.
These are my friends, and here am I.
Two eyes to see, two ears to hear,
Two feet to walk and run.
These are my hands, give yours to me.
Good morning everyone.

Have a go at learning this poem with your group or class.  You could use props or actions to support the children to learn this poem off by heart!

What, Why, Wonder

The Family Book by Todd Parr

This is a non-fiction book that celebrates the love we feel for our families and all the different varieties they come in.  Use this book to talk about different in a playful way.

You could watch this video with your children to explore the book, and to have a go at reading it together.

The Family Book by Todd Parr. With a ‘Read It Yourself’ bonus! (


Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant

Anna Morgan, Early Years Consultant

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