SEND Updates
Letter dated 11.09.20
For Attention of Early Years SENCO’s
Dear Colleagues,
Hopefully, you will have managed to take some time for a well-deserved break over the summer period and are feeling refreshed and ready for the term ahead. We acknowledge that welcoming new children into your setting brings many additional challenges this year and wish to remind you that the Early Years Inclusion Team alongside the Early Years Central Team and Lead Teachers are available to provide support and guidance, as required. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries.
Please find below updates from the Early Years Team. Please also note that LA updates and any further latest Early Years news are regularly posted on the Bristol Early Years website. If you haven’t done so already, please access this site and our Twitter feed regularly to keep fully informed and connected with us. Twitter: @BristolEarly
Letter from Vicky Ford
Please find a letter from Vicky Ford (MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families) attached to this email. It contains links to guidance, tools and resources.
Message from the Bristol Autism Team Education Hub
We are pleased to be able to share with you information about our new Service Model, which will enable us to work much more closely with our SENCos for the benefit of a wider group of autistic children and young people.
Attached with this email you will find:
- Changes to the Bristol Autism Team Education Hub info doc
- Bristol Autism Team Education Hub Early Years AET training flyer: Making Sense of Autism on 26th November
This hyperlink takes you to our page on the Local Offer, where you can download our new Service Models for Early Years.
Information from SEN Team
Please find attached an email from Dr Vikki Jervis: Head of Service Accessible City and Principal Educational Psychologist regarding EHCP consultation documents.
Information from Early Years Inclusion Team
During the autumn term, we will be hosting the Early Years SENCO Clusters through Zoom and offering a series of workshops to provide guidance on supporting children with SEND in the Early Years. We have attached details of the September dates and hope that many of you will be able to attend, details of dates for the rest of the term will be sent out soon.
We are planning to recommence setting Inclusion Visits as soon as possible, either via a video conference or as a site visit if needed and all COVID-19 protective measures can be implemented.
Also attached is an information sheet for you to display and/or share with your parent/carers, including it within admission packs to notify parents/carers about the service. This is to ensure that parent/carers are aware that SENCO’s may be discussing their children with the team at the visits to gain advice and guidance to support their needs. Should you have any queries, please contact us.
If you have any queries or questions please contact the Early Years Portage and Inclusion Team.
Best Wishes
Dawn Butler
Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)