Safeguarding Update

Letter dated   06.07.20

Attention of Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads


Dear Early Years DSL,

Please find attached the following information and resources you may find useful:

  • Are You OK? Campaign
  • Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership Newsletter  6 and 7
  • Resources from Barnardo’s DfE funded ‘See Hear Respond’ campaign

Please find below some useful links:

  • Keeping Children Safe in Education which comes into effect in September 2020.

  • Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership website link:
  • Supporting Bristol children and young people returning to formal education following the COVID 19 outbreak

As we enter the Recovery Phase of the  pandemic various, teams within the local authority and beyond have been producing a wide range or resources, training materials and other support information to help schools and other education settings return to formal education following the COVID 19 outbreak using a trauma informed approach. The guidance entitled ‘Supporting Bristol children and young people returning to formal education following the COVID 19 outbreak’  is available on the Learning City webpage under the Education tab at:

Please help us….. As a Local Authority we have to send in a weekly report on the numbers of vulnerable children that are attending early years settings across the city. Please can you ensure that the Weekly Record of Attendance is completed and returned for your setting to ensure we have a full picture of the support being offered across the city!

I hope you find this information useful, please do not hesitate to contact the Early Years Service if you require any further information, advice or guidance.


Best Wishes

The Early Years Team


Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)