Early Years Safeguarding Audit
The Early Years Safeguarding Audit is an electronic audit that is completed on an annual basis that is vital in providing an overall picture of safeguarding activity within early years providers in Bristol.
The audit has been designed to provide statutory information to the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership (KBSP). It also gives an opportunity to evidence individual settings safeguarding activities and share best practice. The audit also supports settings safeguarding practice and provides evidence for Ofsted.
Once all audits have been submitted an Early Years Annual Safeguarding Report is written and shared with the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership. The report also contains an Action Plan to address any issues identified in the report.
Once you have completed the audit and submitted it you are able to download your submission which you can use to create an Action Plan for the areas you have identified for development.
Early Years Prevent
Enhanced Provision
Safeguarding contacts
Dawn Butler, Early Years Manager: Inclusion