Resources to support positive toileting

Eric’s guide to potty training and Eric’s guide for children with additional needs.

Useful guides for settings and for families about how to support potty training with all children plus some additional guidance for how to best support children with additional needs.

ERIC Potty Training Policy Package

School Health Nursing

The Bristol Stool Chart

Family Support Hubs

Children’s Centres offer a mix of universal and targeted family support services for a range of issues including education and care, parenting, domestic abuse, accessing health and social care services and are based in localities across Bristol.

North Somerset Parents Carers Working Together

Children’s Centres offer a mix of universal and targeted family support services for a range of issues including education and care, parenting, domestic abuse, accessing health and social care services and are based in localities across Bristol.

SEND and you

Continence and Toilet Issues in Schools

Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings February 2022

Toilet Training and Continence Difficulties for Children with SEND

Advice on Bladder and Bowel Problems in Children and Young People


Nicola Theobald – (General and Nursery School Enquiries)

Deborah Brown – (General Enquiries)

Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)

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