Early Reading

A cross-phase working group is being established to consider a  balanced approach to early reading. The promotion of  a reading culture that inspires meaning-making and  a life-long love of reading is at the heart of this development work. The working group will identify high quality, evidence-based approaches to reading across early years and primary school settings. The prioritisation of early talk, opportunities to develop self-regulation, reading assessment strategies and effective parental engagement will be key considerations. The group will further consider expectations relating to early reading as set out Education Inspection Framework to provide support for the reading ‘deep-dive’ element of current Ofsted inspections. Support for subject leaders will be a key strand of activity and it is hoped that partnership-working will enable the further development and piloting of recently developed, Bristol-based  audit and assessment resources.  The working group currently comprises early years and primary LA team representatives and representatives from the Early Years Teaching School, including the CLL SLEs and their NLE mentor. We seek to extend this group further. Please register your interest with nicola.theobald@brstol.gov.uk.