October - Not Just the Book Corner!

October Book List

Knowing a Poem - Chop Chop Choppity Chop

Chop chop choppity chop,
Chop off the bottom & chop off the top,
What we have left we will put in the pot,
Chop chop choppity chop!

This is a brilliant poem to use during play in the home corner or whilst cooking with a group of children.  Children could suggest food to chop and put in the cooking pot.  Have a go at making silly suggestions for what else could go in the pot!

What, Why, Wonder

This Book Will Make You an Artist - Ruth Millington

This is an unique resource which scaffolds children’s thinking and doing, by exploring a variety of artists and techniques.  Why not try sharing a page or two with a small group of children to see what they can create?

5 Books we love

This book is great for inspiring young artists. It has beautiful full page photographs that could spark an idea. You could put it on a book stand with a page open to ignite all sorts of possibilities.

A great book for very young learners who are exploring transport in their play. A car, a bike or a fire engine could encourage all sorts of vocabulary as part of small world play (or big world play!)

This book would be great in your construction area to encourage thinking about engineering through play. How do buildings stand up and stay strong? Support young architects to create and construct using resources in your setting with ideas from this book.

Learn about your body with this push, pull, slide book that gets young children talking about the different parts of the human body. It will spark conversations about how our body works and how amazing we are!

This book is exciting, interactive and shows children the actual size of animals. It is a fascinating picture book that is likely to initiate thinking about size and features of amazing creatures. It has great vocabulary in it to talk about as you explore.


Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant

Anna Morgan, Early Years Consultant

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