Notification of availability of lateral flow (rapid) testing for Early Years and Childcare through the community mass testing programme.

Email dated 25.01.2021

Dear Colleagues,

We have now had notification that the Early Years and Childcare workforce has been identified as a critical occupational group in the city for lateral flow (rapid) testing. This is welcome news.

Testing for Early Years and Childcare is being rolled out as part of the community mass testing programme and will involve workers travelling to the test site to sign up for repeated testing (1 test in every 4 days advised)

The testing site is located here:

The Bristol Rapid Testing Centre , 17-18 Wellington Road, Bristol, BS2 9DA (the old Nisbets building at the bottom of the M32).

The site will operate 7 days a week from 09:00 to 20: 00 hours. Individual staff will need to book an appointment in advance. On arrival, staff will need to provide proof of identity.

Please find attached the following 3 important documents:

  • LETTER FROM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH– this includes full details relating to lateral flow (rapid) testing offer for staff.
  • INVITATION LETTER FOR INDIVIDUAL STAFF – please forward a copy of this letter to all workers in your team.
  • CONFIRMATION OF IDENTITY –  on arrival, staff will need to provide proof of identity, both personal ID and to confirm they are a member of the Bristol Early Years and Childcare workforce. Their workplace name badge will be sufficient, but they may also like to take a copy of the attached letter confirming their eligibility. This is an editable word document for managers to personalise for individual staff.

We acknowledge that this is not a ideal offer and will require travel and possibly some release for practitioners, depending on their working patterns. We will continue to work with the testing unit to review arrangements, but in the meantime hope this will offer a layer of safety and protection for staff and their families and be well received.

Keep safe and best wishes,

The Early Years Team


Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)