Free Entitlement COVID-19 Sustainability Grant – Autumn 2020 - Part 2
Email dated 24.03.2021
Dear Free Entitlement Providers,
COVID-19 Sustainability Grant – Autumn 2020 – Part 2
Thank you for your continued patience whilst we have carried out some final assessments on the remaining funding of the current financial year. I am now able to confirm that a second payment will be made before the end of March 2021 at the same value as the first, ensuring that the funding for your Autumn 2020 headcount / school census was topped up to 100% of your Autumn 2019 submission. Many of you have been in touch with the Early Years Team to convey your thanks and share your stories of relief. I hope this grant will help sustain your business to continue to provide childcare for our youngest citizens.
If you have any queries then please contact the Early Years Team by emailing
Richard Hanks,
Head of Learning City for all
Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)