EYFS Reforms Briefings for Schools

Email dated 22.04.2021

Dear Early Years Leaders in Schools, Lead Teachers and Early Years Consultants

The Statutory Framework for EYFS is changing in September 2021. 

These briefings will look at changes to the statutory EYFS framework as well as considering the two non-statutory documents; Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters. Briefings will include the key messages from these documents and from Ofsted in relation to assessment, as well as guidance from Bristol Early Years. 

Please join us as we share the key changes and prepare to implement the reforms from September 2021. There is a reflective tool to accompany this briefing (attached )to support further team discussion and planning. 

*Please note that Head Teachers and EYFS leaders are invited to the schools’ briefings. We strongly recommend this joint attendance to ensure a shared vision and understanding of the reforms and the implications for provision and practice. The information for HT’s will be sent via the HT bulletin from Alison Hurley.


All briefings will be facilitated via zoom and will be repeated on each day below, so you only need to attend one.  

Choose from the following sessions and use the zoom link below:                     

Monday 10th May https://zoom.us/j/92136413619?pwd=YkJMR2RMTDl0MlRNWTJoR3BRaUtxQT09 

Tuesday 11th May https://zoom.us/j/96904833781?pwd=RmZDT2licjdYOHFQT0pYNlpnVGNtZz09 

Thursday 13th May https://zoom.us/j/91486651560?pwd=bDRUVHVuekR3RmJvYnhoeFRuWTVudz09 

Monday 17th May https://zoom.us/j/91486651560?pwd=bDRUVHVuekR3RmJvYnhoeFRuWTVudz09 

All sessions are 4.00-5.30pm 

  • Please click on the zoom link a few minutes before the start time.  
  • You will be asked to type your name, role and school/setting name into the chat box as this will act as a register of attendance.  
  • Slides from the briefing will be available to download after the event. 

Best wishes, 

The Early Years Team 


Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)