Email to SENDCos re FLORA
Email dated 19.05.2021
Dear colleagues,
SEND important information for educational settings young people, parents and carers
A new team has been developed to help families know where to go for support when they are at the early stages of understanding the needs of their children and young people.
“Unsure where to get support? FLORA (Families, Local Offer, Resources and Advice) provides information, advice and signposting to support for families who are in the early stages of identifying that their child may have additional needs. The FLORA team can help families navigate the services and support that is available to them, their family and child”.
This is a new service and does not replace any of the existing numbers.
Please see the summary below of important numbers as a reminder and an illustration of how FLORA fits into existing work:
- If you have a concern about a child’s safety or wellbeing contact First Response Team on 0117 903 6444 Report your concerns about a child as a member of the public –
- If your child attends an education setting and you have concerns about their learning and progress speak with your child’s key person or the setting’s SENDCO. For more information about support settings should be able to offer Ordinarily Available Provision – Bristol’s SEND Local Offer –
- If you need information, advice and signposting about early support for your child’s additional needs – email or call 0117 3526020 (phone lines are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8.30am -5.00 pm, Wed 10.30am to 8.00 pm, Friday 8.30am -4.30pm).
- If you would like independent information and advice contact Supportive Parents 0117 9897725
- If you have a question about how to request an EHCP contact the assessment team on 0117 922 3700.
A flyer is available in the attachments to this newsletter. You may wish to display it on your notice boards and have copies for practitioners to give to families.
With best wishes
Dr Vikki Jervis
Head of Service Accessible City and Principal Educational Psychologist
Bristol City Council
Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)