Early Ambitions
Email dated 9.07.2021
Dear Colleagues,
We wish to invite you to participate in a Two-Year-Old leadership programme, commencing early on in the Autumn term. Please see the attached flyer for further information regarding this exciting opportunity.
In the first instance this free CPD is being offered to identified settings, targeted on the basis of number of eligible 2s attending, deprivation criteria and quality outcomes. If you have been identified as a setting, you will be contacted by your Lead Teacher who will talk to you about the programme, encouraging sign up.
In addition, a limited number of places will be made available to all settings. To access these places, you are invited to submit a short expression of interest via e-mail outlining why you would like to take part in the programme, your capacity to invest in the leadership of 2 Year Olds, and to sustain new learning. Please send expressions of interest to anna.kawar@bristol.gov.uk
This is an extended programme with twilight/evening zoom sessions scheduled across the academic year. A £150 bursary will be made available for participating settings to support programme resources and materials.
We are excited to be offering this opportunity to support quality improvement, improve outcomes and to facilitate a rich exchange of practice across Bristol settings. This CPD programme is a collaboration between the Local Authority and the Early Years Teaching School
With best wishes,
Nicola Theobald and Lucy Driver
Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)