Available equipment/resources
Email dated 20.07.2021
Hi All
Please see below for your interest:
St George’s school is closing shortly. There will be a number of assets available that might be useful to schools, nurseries, child minders etc. We are holding an open day on Thursday 29th July for anyone who would like to come along and take anything that would be on interest to them
Example of items available:
- Primary school size tables, chairs, book cases, storage, play equipment, garden furniture etc
- Small amount of office furniture
- Stainless steel kitchen equipment
- PE equipment, benches
- Other assets such as books, musical instruments and various other things associated with a primary school
Parking access is limited and there are steps/stairs to negotiate if you are removing anything large or heavy
All items to go on the day (or an appointment made to come back and collect)
Please contact me for further details on access (contact details in signature below)
Full address of school is:
St. George Church Of England Primary School
Address: Queen’s Parade, Bristol BS1 5XJ
Mel Bergin
Project Manager
Bristol City Council
Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)