Transition to School - 2022 transfer records

From: Ask CYPS <>
Sent: 06 May 2022 11:23
Subject: Transition to School – 2022 transfer records

Dear Colleagues in EY settings and nursery classes (copied to EYFS colleagues in schools for information)

Transition to school 2022

You will be aware that the transfer documents and guidance for transition to school, for all children and for children with SEND and other vulnerable children, have been updated to reflect the EYFS Reforms and best practice (as explained in recent Early Years Provider Bulletins, clusters, and Transitions CPD).

The 2022 guidance and documents to support transition are all available to download on the ‘EYFS Transitions’ page of the Bristol Early Years website. This includes the new Universal Transfer Record (UTR), completed examples for reference, guidance on how to complete the UTR, instructions for password protecting UTRs, a letter for Parent/Carers and a GDPR Privacy Notice, together with the additional documents for transition of children with SEND and other vulnerable children.

All settings and schools are encouraged to read and share the new Positive Transitions in the Early Years guidance which can also be used as an audit of provision for transition and development of actions for all children, and children who may need an enhanced transition process.

Bristol Early Years request that a Universal Transfer Record is completed for all children transferring to a reception class in September 2022 and that these are delivered securely by hand, or password protected email, to the receiving school/s by 

24th June 2022 

In order to be GDPR compliant please ensure that you are using the 2022 documents.

Please also remember that it is vital that you send the Transfer Record in a secure way i.e. it must be password protected.

Do contact your lead teacher for support and to find out about any transition events around the time of the deadline, which will not only enable you to hand over the forms to schools but also provide the opportunity for discussions with the teachers.


With thanks

The Early Years Team 


Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)