Spring/Summer Early Years Setting QIF Visit

From: Ask CYPS <askcyps@bristol.gov.uk>
Sent: 04 April 2022 12:30
Subject: Spring/Summer Early Years Setting QIF Visit


Dear Colleagues in Early Years Settings,

We hope all is well with you and your teams during what continues to be a very challenging time for all those working in the Early Years sector.

We would like to let you know about the focus for the next Early Years setting QIF visit that lead teachers will be offering over the next few months. This offer of a support visit is available to all Early Years settings in Bristol including PVI settings, Maintained Nursery Schools and Local Authority Children’s Centres with day care. We encourage all Early Years settings to take up the offer of a support visit.

Support visits provide the opportunity for reflection and discussion with an Early Years Lead Teacher with each visit having a specific focus depending on national and local Early Years priorities at the time. During the visits, in addition to the focused discussion, lead teachers are able to share a range of professional development opportunities including local cluster meetings, free Network CPD and Teaching Hub CPD. Lead teachers can also signpost to further information and to other support available for your setting and your children and families. These visits can also provide a great opportunity for settings to identify actions for development and to share any further support needs they may have which can feed into planning the support that we offer.

Spring/Summer Early Years QIF visit.

Bristol Early Years acknowledge how challenging these last few years have been for the whole Early Years sector. Not only has everyone been working through the pandemic with all the stresses that this has brought but alongside this we have all also had to get to know a new reformed EYFS which has brought significant changes to the ways we work.

We have reflected on how best to support settings and listened to feedback from lead teachers. Rather than introducing anything new, we would like instead, to offer all Bristol Early Years Settings a ‘Reflective Leadership and Wellbeing conversation’ which will provide an opportunity to  reflect in an emotionally supportive environment.

The experience may feel similar to the regular statutory supervision opportunities that you provide for your staff which will have been more important than ever over the last two years. It is important to acknowledge though, that authentic supervision is about an ongoing journey and contract between the supervisee and supervisor and requires a continuity of invested time and follow through. This offer will not be able to  replicate the depth of a true supervision journey but is instead an opportunity to pause and reflect on your leadership experiences and your wellbeing.

Please find attached some prompts that can be used to guide both you and the lead teacher during the discussion.

We really do hope that you will find the visit beneficial and supportive,


With best wishes,

The Early Years Team

EYs Setting Support Visit Spring Summer 2022


Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)