EYFS Leaders in Schools

From: Ask CYPS <askcyps@bristol.gov.uk>
Sent: 16 March 2022 09:10
Subject: EYFS Leaders in Schools


Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to everyone who attended the EYFS Leaders in schools meeting on Tuesday 15th March. As ever, it was inspiring to come together with you all and enjoy the opportunity to share good practice and learn from each other.

Please find the slides from the meeting attached, together with the flyers for booking the EYFSP Moderation events and the outdoor learning certificate. We encourage all reception teachers to book an EYFSP moderation cluster, Eventbrite links are on the flyer.

Please do visit the Transition pages of the Bristol Early Years website where you can download the new Positive Transitions in the Early Years guidance and the Transition materials that were discussed during the meeting. The EYFSP page of the website will also be live very soon also.



Transition | Bristol Early Years

Positive transitions in the Early Years; principles, processes, and responsibilities. This guidance has been written for all Bristol Early Years Settings, Childminders, Schools and linked professionals to support consistent and effective transition planning for all children, particularly those with additional needs.



With thanks for all that you do for the children and families of Bristol.

The Early Years Team

EYs Leaders 15.3.22
Moderation flyer Clusters 2022
Outdoors Thinking flyer_Bristol


Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)