EY Bulletin 15th February

From: Ask CYPS <askcyps@bristol.gov.uk>
Sent: 12 May 2022 13:49
Subject: Bulletin for EYFS Leaders in Schools


Dear Colleagues,

We hope that the term is going well and that you are enjoying more time in the outdoors with your children as the weather improves. The summer term is always so busy with EYFSP and transition, so we hope you will find the latest edition of the Early Years Bulletin (attached) helpful. It includes important updates and information about guidance, CPD, support and cluster meetings for Profile moderation and networking.

As ever, please stay in contact via the Bristol EY website and the new Early Years Calendar, and do get in touch with your lead teacher if you need support with anything.

Thank you for all that you do for your children and families,


The Early Years Team

EYFS Leaders Bulletin. 12.05.22


Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)