Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the July edition of the Bulletin for Early Years Providers, which is attached to this email together with a number of flyers and posters for your setting. The July edition has important dates for your diary such as the launch of the Early Years Alliance Free Multilingual Toolkits for settings and the Long-service celebration event at the end of year, together with the relevant booking links. You will also find information and links about the mandatory Provider Survey, and the parent and carer survey for families.
As usual the Bulletin also has lots of Network and Stronger Practice Hub news as well as information about national and local initiatives, and please do share the new toileting support information with any families that might need it before ethe end of this term.
It is hard to believe that our preschool children will be heading off to school so soon. Thank you for the wonderful work you all do building their strong foundations for school and beyond. Whether you are finishing for the summer next week, or will be open all the way through, we do hope the sun makes an appearance and that you find time to relax and recharge.
With thanks,
The Early Years team
Website: and
Deborah Brown – (General Enquiries)
Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)
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