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Letter dated 16.07.20
Dear Early Years Leaders in Schools,
As we come to the end of the summer term, and what has probably been one of the most challenging periods of time for those working in education, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your resilience and for your commitment to your children and families throughout this time.
September 2020 Route Map.
Following on from the ‘September 2020 Route Map’ that was recently sent to schools, we have attached a supplementary ‘Early Years September Route Map’ which gives detail about the specific Early Years support available to you and your school as you welcome back all children in the Autumn term.
You will notice that throughout this Early Years Route Map reference is made to the ‘EYFS Unique Transitions guidance 2020’. This document was produced by Bristol Early Years, a partnership between the Bristol City Council Early Years team and the Bristol Early Years Teaching School with input from the Primary team, school leaders and outside agencies. We are aware that many of you will have already seen this document, but we have attached it to this email for ease of reference.
Dedicated Early Years response inbox eyresponse@bristol.gov.uk
A dedicated Early Years response inbox has been set up to respond to any queries arising from EYFS and Year One staff in relation to the September return and Term One provision. The inbox will be overseen by the central Early Years team on a duty rota from Monday 17th August. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any support.
Bristol Early Years website https://www.bristolearlyyears.org.uk/
The website is an innovative partnership between the City Council and the Early Years Teaching School Alliance and provides a central source of information along with case-studies, guidance, publications and sign-posting. Please check in to the website regularly and also follow us on Twitter: @BristolEarly
We would like to take this opportunity to highlight one of the recent publications, ‘Helping children to look forward to school’. You may find this helpful to share this with parents of children joining Reception in September. Thank you to North Lead Teacher, Jane Smith, for pulling together so many ideas and presenting them in such an accessible format. Please find the document attached and also see the link below.
EYFS updates
As you are aware, the DfE has now published its response following the public consultation that was launched last October on the proposed changes to the EYFS Statutory Framework:
The consultation concluded with the following changes:
- Revisions to the educational programmes
- Revisions to the ELGs
- Removal of the statutory duty for LAs to externally moderate EYFS Profile judgements
- Removal of the ‘exceeding ‘ judgement criteria from the EYFS Profile
- Change to the safeguarding and welfare requirements to promote good oral health.
There will still be 17 ELGs and the Areas of Learning will remain the same although the content within the ELGs has changed. The revised EYFS Framework will become statutory from September 2021 except for Early Adopter Schools who will be following it from September 2020.
Details of the Early Adopter version for September 2020 can be found here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/896810/EYFS_Early_Adopter_Framework.pdf
Thankfully, the DfE has realised that the transition back to school in September will be difficult for both children and teachers and have consequently delayed the introduction of the Reception Baseline Assessment until September 2021.
To support further consideration and reflection on pedagogy and practice in relation to the EYFS reforms please see the response from Early Education below:
We further recommend the following Early Education webinar: https://www.facebook.com/EarlyEducation.uk/videos/1622722541238783/?comment_id=1622746221236415¬if_id=1594843562866678¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic
This webinar provides a brief overview of the headline changes and discussion of what these will mean in practice. This was broadcast on 15th July and included an expert panel of speakers including Helen Moylett, Kathryn Solly, Anne O’Connor, Elaine Bennett, Nancy Stewart, Di Chilvers and Sally Cave.
University of Bristol Transition study
If you haven’t had a chance already, please could you just take a few minutes to complete the following University of Bristol survey relating to EYFS transitions: https://bristolexppsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0OMXwvrDdUJ1rZH
The survey is anonymous and, if you run short of time, there is no need to complete all fields. Your feedback is critical and will feed into future planning. The deadline for completion for schools has now been extended until 31st July.
Please share this email and attached information with your Early Years team, Year One teacher and school SENCo, as appropriate.
We wish everyone a well-deserved and restful summer break and we look forward to continuing working with you in the new school year.
Take care of yourselves and keep safe.
With best wishes,
The Early Years Team
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Deborah Brown – (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)
Sharon McDonald – (Childminder Enquiries)
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