Please note that due to the cancellation of assessments this academic year, the EYFS Profile Moderation Cluster Meetings that were scheduled in April and May have all been cancelled.

EYFS Profile Moderation Cluster meetings 2019 -2020


The EYFSP moderation cluster meetings scheduled for the rest of this academic year have been cancelled due to Covid 19 restrictions . Please note, the Government has issued a statement to say there will be no statutory  requirement to carry out the EYFSP assessments this year.

The Early Years team is extending opportunities for professional development for all YR teachers in terms of EYFS moderation. The model we have  introduced is all year round moderation providing opportunities for networking at area cluster levels in Terms 2,4 and 5.

Early Learning Contacts

Nicola Theobald, Early Years Improvement Officer
The Bristol Standard Team
Kate Hubble  Foundation Years Consultant
Beth Osborne Foundation Years Consultant Birth to Three