Early Years updates

Email dated   19.6.20

Dear Colleagues,

We hope you remain safe and well at this time. Your efforts in leading early education and home learning, whilst ensuring that the Covid-19 protective measures are in place in your provision, are fully recognised and appreciated by the Early Years team. We continue to provide feedback to the DfE in relation to the ongoing challenges and financial pressures that the sector is facing. We now eagerly await further guidance, based on scientific evidence, regarding plans for summer provision and the September position for schools and settings.

This week’s updates are in e-mail format and include further advice from Public Health England. Please note new arrangements to be followed in the event of  a Covid case arising in your provision. Also just a reminder that all recent Early Years Covid-19 updates can now be found on our website: www.bristolearlyyears.org.uk

Further advice from Public Health England

We attach a PowerPoint from the South West Health Protection team. This provides a recap on infection prevention principles. Scenarios and key resources. This was presented to Bristol headteachers last week. A recording of the session can be accessed through the following link:  https://zoom.us/rec/share/tcJ1I5f8sWlJUNbjxG7iV_d7JMf5aaa81CdM-vdZzkvcHC272NRkwX8ZFaLoUQTX

Password: 2H!x!&2S

One of the key areas of discussion related to the reporting procedures and support for assessing risk, if there is a suspected or confirmed case in a school or setting. The new email address for reporting to the LA has now been confirmed, so please report in the following order:

  1. If you have any infection control concerns or questions please call the South West Health Protection Team on 0300 303 8162
  2. E-mail Bristol directly using the following new address, which will be monitored daily by colleagues from both education and public health Education.covid19reporting@bristol.gov.uk


Visuals to support the use of PPE are also attached. These relate to the safe putting on and taking off of PPE equipment.

If you were unable to collect PPE equipment from BEC over the past fortnight and still require it, please let us know via this address: askcyps@bristol.gov.uk


Bristol Educational Psychology Service guidance

Guidance relating to bereavement and coronavirus for parents and carers has been issued by the Educational Psychology service team. This is attached for your information.

The team is also currently providing webinars to support parents and carers’ wellbeing. The first  webinar entitled “Supporting Parental Wellbeing and Parent Practice through Values-Guided Action  is the first in a series of three webinars for parental wellbeing and parent practice, based on the very popular evidence-based ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy/Training) model. You can access the webinar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD7mtyoOwm4

Please continue to draw on the Early Years central team and Lead Teacher team for support, as needed. We will be in touch again shortly with further updates.

With best wishes,
The Early Years Team


Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)