Early Years updates 7.7.20 – including funding information for Autumn 2020
Email dated 7.7.20
Dear Colleagues,
Hope you are all keeping safe and well.
New Guidance – July 2020
If you haven’t already accessed the latest government guidance for Early Years regarding the arrangements for the September return, it can be accessed here:
Please get in touch with us if you would like further support in interpreting the revised guidance.
Early Years Funding – Estimated headcount for September 2020
The estimated headcount is open until midnight on Friday 10th July 2020. Please use the provider portal to submit your numbers of children and free hours. Remember to over-type the values is you have children leaving (i.e. reduce your counts so you don’t over claim!).
Early Years Funding – Autumn 2020
From September 2020 (first funded day is Monday 7th Sept), we will be returning to a ‘participation based’ arrangement for all early years funding, i.e. providers must be open and children must be attending in order for claims to be paid. Dual funding will cease from the last funded day of the Summer 2020 term (Mon 27th July for TTO & Tuesday 25th August for AYR).
With best wishes,
The Early Years Team
Deborah Brown - (General Enquries)
Dawn Butler - (General Enquiries)
Nicola Theobald - (General and Nursery School Enquiries)