Early Years Support for Schools

Dear Colleagues 

We are aware that there may be some confusion about the Lead Teacher visit to schools as some schools may have received an email which suggests they will be offered this support visit. We apologise for any misleading information and would like to clarify the different support offered to schools with pre-reception nursery classes (and two-year-olds) and those with reception-age children only.

For schools with pre-reception children (nursery classes). These schools are offered a Lead Teacher support visit. The focus of the visit this year will be daily routines to support all children’s learning and development. This will be a useful time to reflect on how children’s individual needs can be planned for as part of the everyday routine in your EYFS provision. It will provide an opportunity to consider the role of the adult as well as the learning opportunities in each element of your routine. The visit will be specifically focused on your pre- reception provision but will of course be useful for all children in early years. It is especially important that your Nursery teacher and EYs leader are able to be part of this reflective discussion if this is possible. These schools can of course also access the range of other support available to schools with reception classes. (See below.)


Schools with reception-aged children only. These schools are unfortunately, not eligible for a support visit but are able to access a range of free professional development opportunities for the EYFS with the Early Years Consultants and Lead Teachers including:

  • Early Years briefings for Head teachers and leaders (2xyear)
  • Early Years Leaders in Schools meetings (3 x year) 
  • Termly local EYFS in schools cluster meetings
  • Free Network CPD
  • Teaching Hub CPD


EYFS Teachers and leaders can also speak to their named lead teacher for information and signposting to other support available for your team, your children and families about any issues. If you do not know who your Lead Teacher or Area Consultant is, please contact Kate Irvine, who will be happy to link you up. kate.irvine@bristol.gov.uk.

Lead teachers will be in touch over the next few weeks to let you know about dates for cluster meetings and CPD, and to arrange a convenient date with relevant schools with nurseries for the visit. 

We apologise again for any confusion.

With thanks,

The Early Years Team




Deborah Brown – (General Enquiries)

Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)

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