Dear Early Years Providers,
Thank you to all who attended the 3 webinars over the last fortnight. It was great to see such interest and to share what we know so far. As promised, here is a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation and a list of Frequently Asked Questions, but please be mindful that until the DfE publishes the statutory guidance, this is subject to change.
The next step will be an online survey later this month asking you about your intentions & planning, prior to a formal invite (application form) to apply to offer expanded hours to 2 year olds and Under 2s. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please reply to this email.
Kind regards,
Deborah Brown, CMgr MCMI (she/her)
Free Entitlement Development Officer
Early Years Service
Education and Skills Directorate
Deborah Brown – (General Enquiries)
Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)
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