Under 3s Planning Support Pack
The Birth to Three Centres of Excellence have published their new Under 3s Planning Support Pack. Overflowing with advice and great ideas for inspired and thoughtful planning, this is not only a great hands-on guide, but is also an inspirational read to further enhance great practice.
The Being Two Project
Donna Robinson from Rosemary Early Years Centre and Helen Payne the Daycare Manager at Redcliffe Children’s Centre have been working with the Pen Green Research Centre on the ‘Being Two’ project. The project is funded by the Department for Education and the aim is to improve the quality of experiences for two year olds and their families in settings and, particularly, to support the whole staff team.
Donna and Helen have been working in partnership with the Early Years Team in Bristol to support private and voluntary settings and childminders in the locality to develop the project in their own settings.
Birth to Three Centres of Excellence
The Bristol Local Authority Early Years Service recognises the importance of sector-led models of practice and has established four Early Years settings to demonstrate features of innovative and outstanding practice. These four Early Years nurseries are committed to research and development and to giving opportunities to all Early Years settings to visit their provision to view and discuss Birth to Threes practice. They offer guided visits with experienced early years professionals, learning walks, coaching and reflection time. They also support you in planning a visit that is useful and is focused on your needs. All four settings provide further professional development in specific areas.
As Centres of Excellence for birth to three year olds in Bristol, we are committed to ensuring we have beautiful, nurturing environments that promote curiosity and critical thinking. Through a strong Key Person system based on developing secure attachments, we ensure a sense of belonging and connectedness for children and their families. We are mindful of children’s well-being at all times. Our passionate and committed practitioners are highly attuned to every individual and their high quality Interactions ensure deep levels of involvement and learning.
We embrace the potential of outdoor experiences in all weathers and across all seasons. Each of our four settings is individual and shaped by the relationships we build within our community.
Communication Friendly Spaces™ ‘Reading Village’
The not-for-profit organisation, Communication Friendly Spaces™ has created a new portable ‘Reading Village’ to encourage children to read whilst tucked away from the hubbub of their surroundings. Using large, textured baskets, circular rugs and neutral screening, a temporary ‘retreat’ can be created in any classroom or hall. The portable ‘Village’ allows children to become absorbed in their books in a peaceful, enclosed environment. Visit the website here for more information.
Centres of Excellence
Early Learning Contacts
Nicola Theobald, Early Years Improvement Officer
The Bristol Standard Team
Kate Hubble Foundation Years Consultant
Beth Osborne Foundation Years Consultant Birth to Three