Transition To Year 1

Positive Transitions Reception to Key Stage One

Moving from reception (YR) into KS1 is a time of change and can be a source of both excitement and anxiety for children and for their parents/carers. Positive transitions are vital for all children’s emotional wellbeing and achievement, and planning for these transitions is fundamental to effective practice. Some children, such as those experiencing poverty, trauma, disadvantage or with SEND, may also need additional enhanced transition arrangements.

Positive Transitions YR to Key Stage One guidance has been written for all Bristol schools and linked professionals to support consistent and effective transition preparation and implementation planningfor all children. It builds on the findings of research project into YR to Y1 transition undertaken by Bristol Schools in 2021-22 with Dr Phil Nicholson and Dr Julie Fisher. Although it focuses primarily on transition into Y1, the guidance is also intended to be useful to support any of the transitions that children experience moving between classes or rooms in a school, and transitions within the daily routine.

The guidance aligns with the principles and priorities of the Bristol Belonging Strategy; Belonging in Education and Bristol’s Relationships and Belonging guidance including “Improving educational transition points so that children and young people can form an early sense of belonging in their new setting” (Belonging in Education p.17) and Bristol’s Y6 to Y7 Transition Guidance that has been shared with primary and secondary schools across the city.

Please see below the key documents to support transfer to school for all children and also for children with SEND/other vulnerable children. Please note, these documents could also be used to support transition and sharing of information from one Early Years setting to another.

Building on EYFS – The Benefits of sustained CPD

In this article, Kate Irvine from Bristol Early Years discusses the impact of practitioners engaging in a sustained process of CPD through cluster groups and the communities of practice to improve children’s learning and development, with additional benefits for staff wellbeing and retention.


Nicola Theobald, Lead for Early Years Partnerships

Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer

Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant

Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant

Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant

Anna Morgan, Early Years Consultant

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