Outdoors Thinking

Certificate in Outdoor Practice is a unique and exciting course, focusing on outdoor provision. The course is comprised of 12 practical training days spread over 12 to 14 months to enable application and development in setting. Over the 12 days you will be delving into the why, the what and the how of outdoor play, specifically covering the environment, the child and the adult. Take a look at the website for more specific details of what the course includes Outdoors Thinking | The Certificate In Outdoor Practice

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Video coming soon


The Outdoors Thinking website is full of information for you.. www.outdoorsthinking.co.uk , the website also provides the place to book onto the course. 

If you have any questions that are not answered please contact Outdoors Thinking Admin on info@outdoorsthinking.co.uk

Dates for Bristol cohort

Please visit the following link for the dates..  https://outdoorsthinking.co.uk/course/certificate-in-outdoor-practice-sw02

Feedback from cohort 1

Remember to think BIG, take small steps and never give up!

Participants reflected on their learning during the course:

‘It has been a breath of fresh air and made me really curious.’

‘I came to the course with my forest school and outdoor learning knowledge…now my head is full of inspiration, ideas, vision and excitement about how to share COP and inspire others and children’s learning.’

‘We have been on a magical journey and our learning journey is never ending.’


I now understand Why I do things outdoors and am able to explain and articulate what the children are learning. I have learnt how to embrace just being in the world.

Everything about the course linked together so well – I really enjoyed working with ‘The stuff of the Earth’ units and getting the child’s perspective. Module 3 pulls it all together and ensures your provision works well. This course has reignited my passion and the joy for my work.

Lisa (childminder)


I have loved bringing it back into my own setting and following the children’s exploration and interests. We are all being fascinated together outdoors.

My organisation has meant the setting flows so much better (Module 3) I understand why and what they (children) are doing and learning (Module 2) and learnt to focus on the child and recognised things I never knew were there (Module 1) It has been amazing and I have got my passion back for what I can do’

Dionne (Childminder)


I Loved the course and it has been like fresh air. I have enjoyed finding a learning community to work and think alongside. I have a sense of professionality – I now have the feeling I am working in a worthwhile profession. I have reflected on how calming playing is for me; big emotions are halved outdoors.

Everything links in together and the true meaning of slower living and less is more when being in the child’s world as a ‘planted’ adult and not rushing by as I found with loose parts. I am lucky to work with mixed ages and see the value of play and how it works with loose parts.

Bev (childminder)


I have discovered the amazing resource of freedom is on your doorstep and shared the deep appreciation of the natural world. We have changed our practice for example I have  stopped imposing my world and joined the child in being in their world and being present with them.

Laura (Childminder)


I went back and remembered the River I played in my childhood in Africa. In Bristol I live in a block of 40 flats with a community garden. I have realised that I don’t need money for expensive resources, but I can use household stuff. I have gone from being max 1 hour to over 2 hours outside each day where everytime we find something new. My own mental health has benefitted so I was able to carry on childminding throughout my pregnancy.

I have worked with the caretaker of my flats to store the stuff we use in a shared space. I have changed parental understanding (my African community) and now I see the parents have to take their own children out!

Sireen (childminder)


I have enjoyed getting a different perspective – noticing things in a different way.

The Bristol cohort had a sense of a learning community and we spent time discussing and reflecting in groups. Having 12 days together means you are always at a different place. The first module ‘The stuff of the Earth’ was my favourite. It has given me time to develop our own practice.

Hugo (Nursery School teacher)


So glad I did the course and really enjoyed getting stuck in.

Lisa (childminder)


The training has been amazing being with different practitioners working in EYFS and is ongoing, it won’t stop. This ongoing journey has taken us from a concrete playground with no possibilities for free-flow 🡺 to great learning opportunities for the children, all year round. We are  empowering practitioners to dare to do something – eye opening for new ways to do things

What the training has triggered: 

  • a reflection on our practice
  • make staff aware of the richness of the outdoors
  • discover concepts, such as schemas
  • make us constantly evaluate and adapt our resources
  • find solutions to overcome challenges and support children in their learning
  • parent’s involvement

Step by step – it’s a seed and it will grow!

Matilde (Head of French language school)


Nicola Theobald, Lead for Early Years Partnerships

Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer

The Bristol Standard Team

Beth Osborne, Foundation Years Consultant Birth to Three

Kate Irvine, Interim Foundation Years Consultant

Ali Carrington, Interim Foundation Years Consultant

Cate Peel, Interim Foundation Years Consultant

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