Early Reading
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Communication Friendly Spaces™ ‘Reading Village’
The not-for-profit organisation, Communication Friendly Spaces™ has created a new portable ‘Reading Village’ to encourage children to read whilst tucked away from the hubbub of their surroundings. Using large, textured baskets, circular rugs and neutral screening, a temporary ‘retreat’ can be created in any classroom or hall. The portable ‘Village’ allows children to become absorbed in their books in a peaceful, enclosed environment. Visit the website here for more information.
Read On, Get On
The Read On, Get On campaign (in conjunction with Save the Children) has published ‘The Power of Reading’, which highlights how governments have the power to unlock the potential in every child to read well by the time they leave primary school. Download the full report by clicking on the logo to the left.
Early Learning Contacts
Nicola Theobald, Lead for Early Years Partnerships
Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer
Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant
Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant
Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant