Bristol Baby Practitioner Network

What are they?

Baby Practitioner Networks provide a lively and dynamic opportunity for professional conversations around the needs of our youngest learners. They take place six times a year in settings across the City. The networks are provided for people who work day-to-day with babies to give them time to reflect on practice and to share ideas with colleagues. The networks were inspired by the work of Kathy Goouch and Sacha Powell at Canterbury Christchurch University, and their Baby Room Project (2009), which showed Baby Room practitioners had few opportunities for networking or accessing baby-specific, professional development opportunities.

What happens at a Network meeting?

Each meeting involves an opportunity for discussion, sharing celebrations, an opportunity to problem-solve as a group, the sharing of recent research and articles and a tour of the indoor and outdoor environment provided for the setting’s babies. Other professionals may join the group to talk about baby-friendly subjects.

Book on to upcoming Baby Practitioner Network meetings via the Bristol Early Years Calendar.

If you have any questions about the network please contact: 

Rachel Pirie

Cassie Holland


Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer

Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant

Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant

Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant

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