reference books about babies
Brathwaite, Candice (2021) I am not your baby Mother What it is like to be a Black British Mother Quercus Publishers 2020
Brunton, Pat and Linda Thornton Science in the Early Years: Building Firm Foundations from Birth to Three Sage, 2010
Cairns, Kate Brian Cairns Attachment, Trauma and Resilience Therapeutic Caring For Children  BAAF 2002
Daly Lisa & Miriam Loose Parts 2: Inspiring Play with Infants and Toddlers– Beloglovsky. Redleaf Press, 2016
Daniel and Wassel The Early years: Assessing and promoting resilience in vulnerable children Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2002
Fisher, Julie Interacting or Interfering: Improving Interactions in the Early Years OU Press, 2016
Gerhardt, S. Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby’s Brain. (2nd ed). Sussex: Routledge 2014
Goldschmied, Elinor People Under Three: Young People in Day Care Routledge 2004
Goouch, Kathy and Sacha Powell The Baby Room Principles and Practice Oxford University Press, 2013
Gopnik, Alison, Andrew Meltzoff and Patricia Kuhl How Babies Think The Science of Childhood W& N 1999
Gopnik, Alison  The Philosophical Baby: What Children’s Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love and The Meaning of Life Bodley Head 2009
Grimmer, Tamsin Developing a Loving Pedagogy: How Love Fits with Professional Practice Routledge, 2021.
Howe, David Attachment across the life course: A brief introduction Red Globe Press 2011
Leach, Penelope Your Baby and Child DK 2010
Monika Celebi Weaving the Cradle: Facilitating Groups to Promote Attunement and Bonding between Parents, Their Babies and Toddlers 2017
Murray, Lynne The Psychology of Babies How relationships support development from birth to two Constable and Robinson 2014
Page, Jools Ann Clare & Cathy Nutbrown Working with Babies and Children Under Three Sage, 2013
Nurturing Personal, Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood: A Practical Guide to Understanding Brain Development and Young Children’s Behaviour, Debbie Garvey. Foreword by Dr Suzanne Zeedyk 2017
Early Learning Contacts
Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer
Kate Irvine, Early Years Improvement Officer, Early Years Consultant
Beth Osborne, Early Years Consultant
Ali Carrington, Early Years Consultant