DSL Meetings

Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads Network Meetings

The Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) Network Meetings take place twice a year on an area basis. They provide an opportunity for the DSL in all early years settings across the area to meet together with the Local Authority Officers and the Schools Safeguarding in Education Team.
At these meetings the strategic priorities and themes from the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership (KBSP) are shared.
The meetings will also provide an opportunity for:

  • Sharing information and discussing safeguarding issues;
  • Sharing any finding from Serious Case Reviews;
  • Sharing good practice;
    Identifying any training needs;
  • Sharing any changes in legislation.

The meetings also focus on providing advice and support in any areas needed; that have been identified from the information gathered from the Early Years Safeguarding Audit.

Early Years Prevent

Enhanced Provision



Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)

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