DfE Consultation on the extension of entitlements for 2 year olds and Under 2s - LIVE until 08/09/2023

Early Years Provider,

DfE Consultation on the extension of entitlements for 2-year-olds and Under 2-year-olds

Please forgive the intrusion into the first day of your summer break (or happy Monday to those working through the holidays!). The Department for Education have just launched a consultation for local authorities and early years providers about how they will deliver the entitlements for 2-year-olds (of working families) and 9 months plus (now referred to as ‘Under 2-year olds’). This consultation is only open until Friday 8th September – so we wanted to share this with you now to give you every chance to contribute. The outcome will help the DfE shape the statutory guidance which is due in Autumn 2023.

Early years funding – extension of the entitlements – Department for Education – Citizen Space

This is a consultation from the DFE about the rates paid to Bristol City Council and is not our annual consultation about the rates paid to providers (which happens every November).

This consultation asks for your views on many aspects of the funding which contain many abbreviations, so to help, here are a few notes 😊:

  • This consultation is not about 3- and 4-year-old funding, nor Maintained Nursery School Supplementary Funding (MNS)
  • The 2-year-old entitlement starts with 15 hours in April 2024
  • The Under 2-year-old entitlement starts with 15 hours in Sept 2024
  • Both then expand to 30 hours in September 2025
  • Each funding stream is made up of 3 elements: a base rate, an additional needs factor and an area costs adjustment
  • Base rate = core costs of childcare provision
  • Additional Needs = a factor to reflect the higher proportion of children with SEND
  • Area Cost Adjustment = a factor to reflect the differing costs of staff and premises across the country
  • FSM = means the number of children claiming a free school meal
  • IDACI = the ‘Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index’ which is a national measure of deprivation
  • GLM = the ‘General Labour Market’ which is a measure of the cost of staff
  • NIPRCA = the ‘Nursery and infant primary rates cost adjustment’ which is a measure of the rateable floor space
  • SENIF = the Special Educational Needs Inclusion Fund – which we call the EY SEN Panel funding
  • DAF = the ‘Disability Access Fund’ which is for children claiming Disability Living Allowance
  • EYPP = Early Years Pupil Premium which supports children from families claiming Universal Credit

In the consultation documents (copies attached), there are proposed rates for all local authorities for 2024-2025 – but again, please be mindful these are not guaranteed and that the hourly rates paid to Bristol City Council are higher than the rates paid to you as a provider. That said, these rates are all showing increases for our county 😃 There is also a spreadsheet available to download at the start of the consultation which shows the figures.

If you need any help with the information contained in the consultation document, please get in touch as we will be working through the summer holidays.

Best wishes,

The Early Years Team

Education and Skills Directorate


Nicola Theobald – (General and Nursery School Enquiries)

Deborah Brown – (General Enquiries)

Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)

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