Child Protection and Safeguarding For Childminders

Safeguarding refers to all the actions childminders take to protect children’s health and well-being, ensuring they are safe from harm, abuse, and neglect. Child Protection is a part of safeguarding that focuses specifically on protecting children who are currently experiencing or are at risk of harm. The Child Protection Procedures for childminders are detailed within the “Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy for Childminders”. 

Child Protection Training for Childminders

Childminders can attend free Child Protection Training – see the Events Calendar for booking details.

The Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership (KBSP) multi- agency training is open to childminders, see here

Online Safety/E Safety

For Online Safety/E Safety advice, childminders can use the free, Professionals Online Safety Helpline, provided by the UK Safer Internet Centre

The helpline provides:  advice, signposting and mediation to resolve e-safety issues and advice around online harassment, cyberbullying and sexting, both in relation to children’s online safety or for professionals themselves. 


The Childminding Support Team

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