January Early Years Newsletter for Schools

January Early Years Newsletter for Schools Hello Welcome to the new monthly communication from the Early Years Team! Microsoft Sway is a FREE online application that is interactive and allows us to share information, news and training with you. EARLY YEARS NEWSLETTER FOR SCHOOLS (cloud.microsoft) (The First time you access the Sway you might need […]

January Newsletter for Early Years Providers

January Newsletter for Early Years Providers Hello Welcome to the new monthly communication from the Early Years Team! Microsoft Sway is a FREE online application that is interactive and allows us to share information, news and training with you. EARLY YEARS NEWSLETTER FOR PROVIDERS (cloud.microsoft) (The First time you access the Sway you might need […]

December Bulletin for EYFS in Schools

December Bulletin for EYFS in Schools Dear Colleagues,  As 2024 comes to an end we have pleasure in attaching the last Early Years Bulletin of this year together with a number of flyers for sharing with staff and/or families.  As well as important statutory updates, the Bulletin is full of useful information to support your […]

December Bulletin for EY Providers

December Bulletin for EY Providers Dear Colleagues,  As 2024 comes to an end we have pleasure in attaching the last Bulletin of this year together with a number of flyers for sharing with staff and/or families.  As well as important safeguarding and health updates, the Bulletin is full of useful information to support your work […]

November Bulletin for EY Providers

November Bulletin for EY Providers Dear Colleagues, Please find the November Bulletin for EY providers attached to this email together with a number of flyers to share with staff and/or families. This month’s Bulletin has important reminders about the free Multilingual toolkits for every setting, and information about recording children with SEND on the headcounts […]

October Bulletin for EY Providers

October Bulletin for EY Providers Dear Colleagues,  Welcome to the October Bulletin for Early Years Providers which includes news of some incredible free toolkits and training for your setting. Every setting in Bristol can now get the Early Years Alliance Multilingual Toolkit and the associated training for free, so please use the links in the […]

October Bulletin for EYFS in Schools

October Bulletin for EYFS in Schools Dear Colleagues,  Welcome to the October Bulletin for Early Years in Schools which includes news of some incredible free toolkits and training for your school. Every school in Bristol can now get the Early Years Alliance Multilingual Toolkit and the associated training for free, so please use the links […]

July Bulletin for EY Providers

July Bulletin for EY Providers Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the July edition of the Bulletin for Early Years Providers, which is attached to this email together with a number of flyers and posters for your setting. The July edition has important dates for your diary such as the launch of the Early Years Alliance Free […]