Bulletin for EYFS Leaders in Schools - June 2023

Dear Colleagues, 

We welcome everyone to term 6 with the latest edition of the Bulletin for EYFS Leads in Schools. The June issue has important Early Years news and CPD updates for the EY sector, please do read it carefully and share with your teams.

You may also have seen the recent announcement of a new consultation on the EYFS from the Department of Education. We encourage everyone in schools and early years to have their say, as what happens in nursery settings impacts on reception classes and primary schools too. Further details and informative links are also in the Bulletin.

Early years foundation stage (EYFS): regulatory changes – Department for Education – Citizen Space

Find and participate in consultations run by the Department for Education


We wish everyone a very settled and sunny summer term. Please do remind staff and families about keeping children safe in the sun and hot weather. The Sun Safe Nurseries organisation has a useful website with free guidance and resources that are suitable across EYFS and KS1.

As ever, do stay connected via the Bristol Early Years website and your lead teacher, 

The Early Years team




Deborah Brown – (General Enquiries)

Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)

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