Bulletin for EY Providers July 23

Dear Colleagues, 

Please find the latest edition of the Bulletin for Early Years Providers and attached. As ever it is jam-packed with important updates from Bristol Early Years, national changes and consultations and wider sector news, including from the Stronger Practice Hub. Please do take time to read it carefully and share with colleagues. You will also find other useful training offers and documents of interest attached also.

As another academic year marches to its end and another cohort of children head off to school, Bristol Early Years would also like to say Thank You, to everyone working so hard in settings to give our children and families the best possible start. Whether your setting is term-time only or all-year-round we hope you manage to find some time for some rest and relaxation over the rest of the summer. In the meantime, please do stay connected via the Bristol EY website and your lead teacher. 

With thanks 

Bristol Early Years team 




Deborah Brown – (General Enquiries)

Dawn Butler – (General Enquiries)

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